Definitions COMPANY: Stem S.r.l. Strada Ghiaie, 12/D — 43014 Medesano (PR) Italy Tax ID 01538380344, that can be reached also calling number 0525.430102 or via e-mail at
SITE: the website including its sub-sites pertaining directly to the COMPANY and/or belonging to domains that pertain to the COMPANY.
CONTENT: the textual content, graphic and photographic elements, trademarks and logos, domain names, audio, musical, video and audiovisual content, functionalities, technical documentation and manuals and any material that can be viewed and accessed via the SITE.
VISITOR: anyone who browses on the SITE Accessing, consulting and using the pages of this SITE constitutes full acceptance by the VISITOR of everything that is set out in this document. Browsing on the SITE is to be considered fully free of charge, except for any connection costs payable by the VISITOR.
Copyright The CONTENT of the SITE is owned by the COMPANY and is covered by copyright. The VISITOR is forbidden from copying, publishing, disseminating, transmitting or otherwise making available, including partially and/or following changes, any content published on this SITE, under penalty of the possibility of incurring civil and criminal sanctions. It is also forbidden to reproduce the graphics of the SITE. The elements that make up the SITE are protected by commercial agreements and their use is compliant with the laws on registered trademarks and competition and other laws; they may not be copied or imitated.
Exemption from liability All content published on the SITE is provided purely for general information purposes, without providing guarantees as to its accuracy and completeness. The COMPANY reserves the right to modify and update said content without any prior notice and without being able to be held liable for any damage whatsoever, whether direct or indirect, including loss of profits, deriving from the use or impossibility of using the SITE and its content, or sites directly or indirectly related to it, or deriving from omissions or errors.
The names of products and companies cited on this SITE may be trademarks of their respective owners, and therefore unauthorised use thereof is expressly forbidden.
Applicable legislation
Without prejudice to any legal provisions to the contrary, any disputes or disagreements that may arise with regard to the use of the SITE or the CONTENT between the COMPANY and the VISITOR, or with parties that have collaborated or will collaborate on its publication or on the creation or updating of the CONTENT, shall be governed by the jurisdiction of the Italian state, and, in any case, the applicable legislation is the Italian law in force at the time of the dispute.